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Anna Lazou

Assistant Professor οf Philosophical Anthropology

Contact Information 

Telephone:  +30-210-7277503
E-mail:  lazou@philosophy.uoa.gr
Web page: https://uoa.academia.edu/ΆνναΛάζου
Office Location: 509 (5th floor), School of Philosophy

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy,
University Campus, 157 84 Ζographou, Athens, Greece


 Curriculum Vitae


Assistant Professor of Philosophical Anthropology at the University of Athens, Department of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy of the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogics & Psychology of the University of Athens ("Man, Nature and Practice", 2006).

She directs the Phil.Art.Lab since January 2022 (temporary website: https://www.facebook.com/philosophy.art.seminars/).

She directs the biennial periodical P.A.Th. (Philosophy, art, therapy) 2020 et seq. ISSN 2732-7345, ISSN 2732-7353 (electronic edition/online)

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358057782_PATH_1_FULL_Repaired, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/358079100_PATH_1_SPECIAL_EDITION.–

Her recent publications: “Philosophical Games in Primary Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach” (2022), “The Concept of Therapy in Ancient Greek Texts and Dance Practices”(2021), “Play, Measure, Harmony: the Experience of Time in Poetic Thought” " (2020), "Platonic Orchesis Today I: Philosophical Premises & Applications" (2020), "Dance as an Object of Scientific Research and Philosophy. Prolegomena" (2020), "Man and Measure: Comments on the Crisis of Civilization" (2017) and earlier: "Justice as Therapy-Justice for Therapy" (2000), "Psychological Events and the on-stage Action of the Actor", 2008 and "The Diachronic Character of the Dionysian", 2010, "Ancient Myths, Traditional Civilization and Contemporary Dance Theatre", 2011, "Marx on Ancient Greece - Following Hegel and the Young Hegelians according to Panagiotis Kondylis ", 2012, "Individual and Society according to Adam Smith", 2013, "Beyond dance: Contemporary Aesthetic Therapeutic Uses of Dance in the Light of Nietzschean Thought", 2013, "The 'Recognition' of Human Existence as a Central Concept of Marxist Anthropology. Reflections on the Recent Critical Edition of the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, by Michael Quante”, 2014, “Au-delà de la danse: la perspective philosophique dans l'étude de la danse grecque ancienne”, 2015, Elements of Philosophy of Nature, (ed.) 2015, John Locke and the Essay on Human Understanding – I, 2015, Man, the Creator, 2015, Art, Philosophy, Therapy, (ed.), 2015, etc.

Selected Publications

  • Lazou et a. (M. Anagnostou, A. Ktena, D. Enea Mele) “Philosophical Games in Primary Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach”, Education and New Developments 2022, June 2022, p567-571. DOI:10.36315/2022v1end126

  • “The Concept of Therapy in Ancient Greek Texts and Dance Practices” Annals of Bioethics & Clinical Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 3, August 2021, p1-10 DOI: 10.23880/abca-16000189
  • “Dance as an Object of Scientific Investigation and Philosophy. Preliminary Remarks” EpistēmēsMetron Logos, 0(3), p60-92. dx.doi.org/10.12681/eml.22108
  • “Individual and Society According to Adam Smith and Karl Marx: From the Critique of Classical Political Economy to the Critique of Human Nature”, Dianoesis, τ. 3, Απρίλιος 2017, p77-90. http://dianoesis-journal.blogspot.com/.
  • «The Ancient Greek Drama in the Light of Orchesis (O Drama Antigo Grego na Luz de Orchesis)», with I. Kosma, T. V. Barbosa (ed. in chief), International Colloque of Theatre Translation, University Minas Gerais, Bello Horizonte, May, 29 – June 1, 2016.
  • “Socratic ‘Acting’: Experiencing Dialectic”, Socrates & Dialectic: On the Diachronicity of Thinking Philosophically (Σωκράτης & Διαλεκτική: Η διαχρονικότητα του φιλοσοφείν) Angelakis Publications, Athens, p195-208.
  • «Aesthetics & Therapeutic Practices» (2020) Lazou, A. – Mastora, I. (PDF) PATH 1 SPECIAL EDITION (researchgate.net), p25-32.
  • “Value, Nature, Human Being in Aristotle’s Politics” Aristotle’s Political Philosophy and its Influences, (ed.) D. Koutras, Association of Aristotelian Studies ‘The Lyceum’, Athens 1999, p210 – 219. ISBN 960 – 90942 – 3 – 6.