Contact Information Telephone: | +30-210-727 7502 | E-mail: | | Office Location: | 509 (5th floor), School of Philosophy | Address: | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University Campus, 157 84 Ζographou, Athens, Greece | Curriculum Vitae Qualifications Research Interests Books -
(forthcoming) Plotinus. Ennead III 6. On Impassibility, Commentaries on the Enneads of Plotinus edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith, Parmenides Publishing, Las Vegas/Zurich/Athens. - (2014) Plotin, Traité 12 (ΙΙ, 4), Introduction, traduction, commentaires et notes, Les Éditions du Cerf (Collection «Les écrits de Plotin»), Paris.
Articles and Book reviews -
(2022) «The independence of the soul from the body as a necessary condition for perception in Plotinus IV 7(2) 6-7» in Lorenzo Ferroni, Daniela Taormina (eds), Plotinus IV 7 (2) On the Immortality of the Soul. Studies on the Text and its Contexts, Academia Verlag, σ. 113-127. - (2022) Book Review: Stephen R. L. Clark, Plotinus Ennead VI. 9. On the Good or the One (Parmenides Publishing, 2020), The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 2022/2.
- (2020) «It is them who ought to come to me, not me to them. The absence of eschatological hope and the homoiosis theô in Plotinus», in S. Zoumboulakis (ed.) Hope (in greek), Artos Zois, Athens 2020, 109-130 & 131-156 (Discussion).
- (2020) Book Review: «Determining the good, and the grades of happiness in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics». Pavlos Kontos, The two "eu" of happiness. Introduction to Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics (in greek), Crete University Press 2018, Synchrona Themata 149, 115-117.
- (2019) «Plotinus' philosophical program», The Athens Review of books 109 (2019/9), 38-41.
- (2019) Book Review: Stephen Gertz, Plotinus Ennead II 9. Against the Gnostics (Parmenides Publishing 2017), The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition (13), 2019/1, 96-98.
- (2017) Book Review: Cinzia Arruzza, Plotinus Ennead II 5. On What is potentially and What Actually (Parmenides Publishing 2015), The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition (11), 2017/2, 211-214.
- (2016) «The duality of phantasia in Plotinus: Two faculties, or two representations?», Logical Analysis and the History of Philosophy, Volume 19, «Ancient Epistemology», 2016, 212-34.
- (2016) «What is the De Anima?», in: Translating Aristotle, Synchrona Themata 134-135, 35-7.
- (2016) Book Review: «Conditions of sovereignty and the just regime in Aristotle's Politics». Stephanos Dimitriou, Freedom and Sovereignty. Political Freedom and Sovereignty in the Third Book of Aristotle's Politics (in greek), Polis, Athens 2016, I Avgi tis Kiriakis, «Readings», 20-11-2016.
- (2015) «The circle of Plotinus», in The Encyclopedia of Plato, Foundation of the Hellenic World.
- (2015) «Plotinus», in The Encyclopedia of Plato, Foundation of the Hellenic World.
- (2014) «Enn. I 1 [53] 5,7-35 (3rd hypothesis, option A, part 3)», εἰς Plotinus Colloquium Olomouc 2014, "Reading Plotinus, Enn. I 1 [53] 1,1-7,6: Interaction between Body and Soul" (13-15 November 2014), Centre for Renaissance Texts (cz.1.07/2.3.00/20.0026), Palasky University Olomouc, Olomouc 2014, 50-54.
- (2012) «God in Plotinus: the Intellect or the One?», in S. Zoumboulakis (ed.) The God of the Bible and the philosophers' God (in greek), Artos Zois, Athens 2012, 69-85 & 98-100 (Discussion).
- (2009) «Matter, logos and time. The temporal structure of the sensible world in Plotinus », Neusis, 18, 2009, 111-131.
- (2008) «The institution of the Areopagus in Aeshylus' Oresteia: An example of the transcendence of the ancient polis», in Μ. Angelidis, S. Dimitriou, A. Lavranou (eds), Theory, values and critique. Tribute to Kosmas Psychopedis, (Polis, Athens, 2008), 464-469.
- (2006) «Is there a notion of the 'transcendental' in Ancient Greek philosophy», Axiologika, 15, 2006, 149-164.
- (2004) «''The Neoplatonic Socrates''. Commentary on Andrew Smith», in V. Karasmanis (ed.), Socrates. 2400 Years since his Death. International Symposium Proccedings Athens-Delphi 13-21 July 2001, European Cultural Center of Deiphi, p. 461-2.
- (1999) «Notions of ancient greek philosophy in Descartes: Aristotle's «νοῦς τῶν ἀρχῶν» and Plotinus' «αἴτιον ἑαυτοῦ»», Axiologika, special issue 1, 121-140.
- (1997) «The Timeaus in Plotinus' Enneads: the Principles», Deukalion, 15/2, 343-351.
Translations & Edited books -
“Reproductive health: case studies with ethical commentary”, Bernard M. Dickens, Rebecca J. Cook, Eszter Kismodi, University of Haifa, Publisher: UNESCO Chair in Bioethics Office, Haifa, 2006. (translation in collab. With Vagena, D. in Greek, editor: Maria Chorianopoulou). DOI: 10.12681/aprlp.81 - “Homer & humanity”, yearbook Master’s Degree Program “Philosophy”. Editors: Georgios Arabatzis, Georgios Steiris, Maria Chorianopoulou.
Teaching Other Information - Current Doctoral Students
- (2021-) Korgialas Dimitris (Plotinus' Cosmology)
- (2022-) Dimakopoulos Stavros (Matter in Middle Platonism)
- International Cooperations
- 1. Work-in-progress: Translation with introduction and commentaries of three tractates of Plotinus that will be published in the series "Commentaries on the Enneads of Plotinus" edited by John M. Dillon and Andrew Smith by Parmenides Publishing (Las Vegas/Zurich/Athens). Title: Plotinus: Ennead V.2, V.4 & V.6. On the One and Intellect. Las Vegas/Zurich/Athens.
- 2. Reviewer at the The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition (Brill), the official journal of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies (ISNS).
- 3. Reader at Revue Diogène, the official journal of the Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie (FISP).