Georgios Steiris Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Contact Information Τel. (office): | 210 7277544 | Ε-mail: | | Address: | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University Campus,157 84 Ζographou, Athens, Greece |
Qualifications - 1997–2003 PhD in Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens. Thesis Title: “Machiavelli on Ethics and Law”
- 1988–1992 B.A. (Hon.) in History, University of Crete.
Research Interests - History of Philosophy,
- Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy (Ethics, Politics, Law, Philosophy of Nature, Metaphysics),
- Greek Philosophy (Ancient and Byzantine),
- Arabic Philosophy
Published Books - Machiavelli on Ethics and Law, A. N. Sakkoulas, Athens 2003. ISBN 960-15-1023-0, ISBN-13 978-960-15-1023-1. (In Greek).
- Philosophy and Cosmos, Cosmology in Middle Ages and the Renaissance, Institute of Book – Kardamitsa, Athens 2004, 2010². ISBN 978-960-354-265-0. (In Greek).
- Philosophy of Law and State, The Middle Ages and the Renaissance, A. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 2005, 2010². ISBN 978-960-15-2403-0. (In Greek).
- The Foundation of Medieval Political Philosophy, al-Farabi on Ethics and Politics, Institute of the Book – Kardamitsa, Athens 2011. ISBN 978-960-354-277-3. (In Greek).
- The routes of Renaissance: Byzantine and Renaissance Philosophy in the 15th century, Papazisis: Athens 2016. ISBN 978-960-02-3266-0. (In Greek).
- Eutopia: Political Theosophy in Early Modernity, Institut of Book - Kardamitsa, Athens 2021.
Edited Books and Journals - Ioannnes et Theodosios Zygomalas, Patriarchatus – Institutiones – Codices, S. Perentidis, G. Steiris (eds). Daedalus, Athens 2009. ISBN 978-960-227-390-6.
- Larousse Encyclopedia, Ellinika Grammata, Athens 2008, 16 volumes. ISBN 978-960-469-053-4.
- Pedagogikos Logos XIV (1/2010), ISSN 1106-934. (
- «Sharing in the Logos, Philosophical Readings of Maximus the Confessor», Forum Philosophicum 20:2 (2015). S. Mitralexis, G. Steiris (eds). ISSN (paper) 1426-1898 ISSN (online) 2353-7043.
- The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State, G. Steiris, S. Mitralexis, G. Arabatzis (eds). Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle 2016. ISBN 978-14438-8987-2.
- Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher, S. Mitralexis, G. Steiris, S. Lalla, M. Podbielski (eds). Cascade Books / Wipf and Stock: Eugene OR 2017. ISBN: 978-1-4982-9558-1.
- The Oxford Handbook of Dionysius the Areopagite, M. Edwards, D. Pallis, G. Steiris (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. ISBN: 9780198810797
Translations - Annas, J. (2000), (trans. & ed. G. Steiris), Ancient Philosophy, A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press 2000 - Ellinika Grammata, Athens 2006. ISBN 960-442-622-2, ISBN-13 978-960-442-622-5.
- Crick, B. (2002), (trans. & ed. G. Steiris), Democracy, A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press 2002 - Ellinika Grammata, Athens 2006. ISBN 960-442-772-5, ISBN-13 978-960-442-772-7.
- Wacks, R. (2006), (trans. & ed. G. Steiris), Philosophy of Law, A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press 2006 - Ellinika Grammata, Athens 2006. ISBN 978-960-442-786-4.
- Dermot Moran, “TO GAR EINAI PANTON ESTIN HE HYPER TO EINAI THEOTES; infinitas omnium infinitatum: The Infinite Above Being in Iohannes Scottus Eriugena”, Greek Philosophical Review 97 (2016), 3-18.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters - «Georgius Trapezuntius Cretensis on Death», Zbornik Matice Srpske za Klasicne Studije / Journal of Classical Studies 11 (2009), 189-202. ISSN 1450-6998.
- “«We engaged a Master of Philosophy like other Teachers»: John and Theodosius Zygomalas and some Philosophical Discussions in the Second Half of the 16th century”, in S. Perentidis, G. Steiris (eds), Ioannnes et Theodosios Zygomalas, Patriarchatus – Institutiones – Codices, Daedalus, Athens 2009, 167-186. ISBN 978-960-227-390-6.
- «Machiavelli’s appreciation of Greek Antiquity and the ideal of Renaissance», in A. Lee, P. Peporte, H. Schnitker (eds), Renaissance? Perceptions of Continuity and Discontinuity in Europe, c.1300 - c.1550, Brill, Leiden 2010, 81-94. ISBN13: 9789004183346.
- “Exemplary deaths in the Peloponnese: Plutarch’s study of death and its revision by Georgius Trapezuntius Cretensis», in H. Cavanagh, B. Cavanagh, J. Roy (eds), Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese, Proceedings of the Conference held at Spartaj3 23-26 April 2009, CSPS, University of Nottingham 2011, 755-771.
- “Isidore of Seville and al- Fārābi on Animals: Ontology and Ethics”, in E. Protopopadakis (ed.), Animal Ethics: Past and Present Perspectives, Logos Verlag, Berlin 2012, 95-101. ISBN 978-38325-2999-4
- «Al-Farabi’s ecumenical state and its modern connotations», Skepsis XXII/iii (2012), 253-261. ISSN 1105-1582.
- «Platonic and Aristotelian Mathematics in Georgius’ Trapezuntius Comparatio Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis», Skepsis XXII/iv (2012), 112-124. ISSN 1105-1582.
- «Science at the Service of Philosophical Dispute: George of Trebizond on Nature», Philotheos: International Journal for Philosophy and Theology 12 (2012), 103-119. ISSN 1451-3455.
- “Harpocration, the Argive Philosopher, and the Overall Philosophical Movement in Classical and Roman Argos”, Zbornik Matice Srpske za Klasicne Studije / Journal of Classical Studies 14 (2012), 109-127. ISSN 1450-6998.
- «Renaissance Studies in Greece», in: Teaching the Renaissance II, ed. by Angela Dreßen and Susanne Gramatzki, in:, Nr. 3, 2012 (5 pages),
- “Politique, Religion et Hérésie dans le dialogue anonyme protobyzantin Περί Πολιτικῆς Ἐπιστήμης et dans l’œuvre philosophique d’al-Fārābī », Byzantinische Forschungen, Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik XXXI, (2013), 121-141. ISSN 0525-3306.
- «The study of the soul in Renaissance utopian literature”, Agrafa I.2 (2013), 57-67. ISSN 2334-7805.
- «Anthropologie, Religion und Politik in der praktischen Philosophie al-Fārābīs und in den politischen Traktaten Machiavellis», in V. Pantazis, M. Stork (eds), Ommasin allois, Festschrift für Professor Ioannis E. Theodoropoulos zum 65. Geburtstag, Oldib Verlag, Essen 2014, 151-189. ISBN 978-3939556-45-9.
- «Giovanni Pico della Mirandola on Anaxagoras”, Viator 45 no.3 (2014), 363-375. ISSN 0083-5897.
- «Conclusiones secundum Pythagoram et Hymnos Orphei: Early modern reception of ancient Greek wisdom», in K. Maricki – Gadjanski (ed.), Antiquity and Modern World, Scientists, Researchers and Interpreters, Proceedings of the Serbian Society for Ancient Studies, Vol. VII, Belgrade 2014, 372-382. ISBN 978-86-89367-03-4.
- «Farabi’de Erdemli Şehir ve İnsanın Mutluluğu Üzerine», Sabah Ülkesi | Kültür-Sanat ve Felsefe Dergisi 43 (2015), 10-13.
- «Argyropoulos, John», «Eugenikos, Marc», «Gaza, Theodore», «Margunios, Maximus», «Maximus the Greek», «Philagrios, Joseph», «Roussanos, Pachomios», «Tomaeus, Nikolaus Laonikus», «Zygomalas, John and Theodosius», M. Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy, Springer, Dordrecth 2018, (ISBN: 978-3-319-02848-4) “Platonic influences on the movement of Scholasticism” - “Syriac translations of Plato’s works” - “Marsilio Ficino” - “Pico della Mirandola” - “Humanism and the interpretations of Plato” - “Platonic influences on Jewish philosophy and theology (Middle Ages; the Renaissance; Modern era)” - , in V. Kalfas, G. Zografidis, P. Thanasas, S. Rangos (eds), Encyclopedia of Plato, Foundation of Hellenic World, Athens 2015.
- “Byzantine Philosophers of the 15th Century on Identity and Otherness”, in The Problem of Modern Greek Identity: from the Εcumene to the Nation-State, G. Steiris, S. Mitralexis, G. Arabatzis (eds). Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne 2016, 173-199. ISBN 978-14438-8987-2.
- “Proclus as a source for Giovanni Pico della Mirandola’s arguments concerning emanatio and creatio ex nihilo”, in Proclus and his Legacy. D. A. Layne & D. Butorac (eds). De Gruyter: Berlin – New York 2017, 353-363. ISBN-13: 978-3110466997.
- “Seeking Maximus’ the Confessor philosophical sources: Maximus the Confessor and al-Fārābī on representation and imagination”, in Maximus the Confessor as a European Philosopher, S. Mitralexis, G. Steiris, S. Lalla, M. Podbielski (eds). Cascade / Wipf and Stock Publishers: Eugene OR 2017, 316-331. ISBN: 978-1-4982-9558-1.
- “Pletho, Scholarios and the Arabs”, in D. Searby (ed.), Never the Twain Shall Meet: Latins and Greeks Learning from Each Other in Byzantium, Byzantinisches Archiv Series Philosophica 2, De Gruyter: Berlin – New York 2017, 309-334. ISBN 978-3-11-055958-3.
- “Al-Fārābi on the Role of Philosophy of History in the History of Civilization”, στο Christian and Islamic Philosophies of Time, S. Mitralexis & M. Podbielski (επιμ.), Vernon Press: Wilmington DE 2018, 135-144. ISBN: 978-1-62273-296-8
- “Pico della Mirandola and the Presocratics”, Proceedings of the XXIII World Philosophy Congress, Renaissance and Modern Philosophy, Philosophy Documentation Center, Charlottesville 2018, Volume 70, 27-37. DOI 10.5840/wcp232018701637.
- “Searching for the Routes of Philosophy: Marsilio Ficino on Heraclitus”, Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge 4 (2019), 57-74. ISSN: 2445-2378
- "History and Religion as Sources of Hellenic Identity in Late Byzantium and the Post-Byzantine Era". Genealogy 4.1 (2020), pp.16;
- “Humanity, Nature, Science and Politics in Renaissance Utopias”, in The Edinburgh Critical History of Middle Ages and Renaissance Philosophy. Edited by A. LaZella and R. A. Lee Jr. (Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh 2020), 272-282.
- "Michael Apostolis on Substance”, in Bessarion’s Treasure: Editing, Translating and Interpreting Bessarion's Literary Heritage, Byzantinisches Archiv Series Philosophica Band 3, edited by Sergei Mariev. De Gruyter: Berlin–Boston 2021, 211-236.
- My Intellectual Journey Towards an Intercultural History of Philosophy”. Journal of World Philosophies 6.1 (2021): 157–162.
- How we live is so far removed from how we ought to live”: Machiavelli's contemporaneity”, Interview by Joseph Matula, Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice Volum IX, Nr. 3 (33), Serie iunie-august 2021, 141-148.
- "修昔底德、韩非和马基雅维利谈政治现实主义 Thucydides, Han Fei, and Machiavelli on political realism" (in Chinese), in Proceedings of the International Conferenece Jixia Academy and Plato Academy, Chinese and Greek Classical Civilizations Summit Forum, SDX Joint Publishing Company, Beijing 2021, 431-442.
- «Trapezuntios and Bessarion on Arabic Philosophy and Science». The Neoplatonists and their Heirs: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim, E. Anagnostou, K. Parry (eds). Leiden: Brill, 2023, 302-323.
Dinstinctions and Interviews